Counselling vs. Coaching: What is Best for You this Year?

What aspirations and hopes for success do you have for 2023? I believe everyone in life desires to be successful, whether that success is in the way of a career, relationships, physical health, or fulfilling a dream or goal. Over the years there have been amazing individuals who have soared into the stratosphere of achievement and success, impacting not only their lives but the lives of many. Today, success is often measured by fame, financial status or how many followers one has on Instagram. But is success truly measured by these external auspices? Albert Einstein, one of the greatest mathematicians and scientists said,

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.



If you have something of value, let’s say a beautiful house, or a luxury automobile, it makes sense that you treat it with care. You wouldn’t leave the doors to your house open so animals and insects could overtake it, nor would you leave the top down on your luxury automobile if rain was in the forecast.

Likewise, if you value yourself, you will take care of yourself as you would a valuable possession. In psychology, we call this self-value. Self-value is more than what you feel about yourself, it’s rooted in your behaviour – how you treat yourself. How you treat yourself has a direct impact on how you treat those around you. Being of value then, as Einstein put it, is determinant upon how you value yourself. This leads then to the focus of this article. This year, make it a priority to improve on this area of self-value and choose to see a counsellor or a coach.



When working through life’s challenges, uncertainties, and aspirations, it’s important to ask the question, “What additional perspective and expertise could I use to help me meet these needs?” And, if self-value is an important behaviour that needs to be developed, how do I know whether that is best accomplished with a counsellor or a coach? Understanding how and when each type of professional may be the most helpful is the key to the success you are desiring to achieve and being that person of value, for yourself and others.



A coach is beneficial when you need to better understand the potential you already possess for success and the value you can bring to others around you. A coach will work with you to identify your special skills, gifts, and abilities and how to unlock and utilize them to maximize your potential. As well, a coach can help bring clarity to your dream or aspiration along with assisting you to set strategic and measurable steps toward establishing your goals. However, a coach will probably not have as strong a background in exploring deeper psychological issues or chronic mental health conditions as a therapist or counsellor would have.

Here at Lux Counselling, we offer a niche type of coaching called Holistic Health and Nutrition Coaching. This form of coaching supports clients looking to better their physical, nutritional, and overall wellness.

We will be expanding our coaching services in the future, adding specific services for motherhood, entrepreneurs, and couples.


Here are a few benefits you can expect from working with a coach:

  • You get to choose your area of focus. Whether you’re working toward a promotion at work, changing careers, starting a business or simply working on bettering your health and wellness, a coach is there to help you identify roadblocks and become more self-aware.

  • With a coach by your side, you can discover purpose in life and gain greater clarity on what makes you happy and fulfilled.

  • A good coach is always in your corner and is someone who will cheer you on and keep you accountable for reaching your goals.

  • Coaches focus on your present and your future, therefore helping you identify where you are right now and where you need to be in the future.



You might choose to work with a counsellor or a therapist when you need to explore patterns of disturbing behaviour in yourself or others, that are getting in your way. A counsellor is also a good fit when you need further clinical insight to help you understand and formulate a plan to address thoughts, feelings and behaviours that are causing unwanted outcomes for yourself and those around you.

If you have a history of mental health issues such as prolonged depression or anxiety, a professional counsellor is someone you should seek out. As well, compulsions, addictions, trauma, chronic stress and other issues that affect your and others’ well-being are best resolved under the care of a counsellor or psychotherapist.


Here are a few benefits you can expect when working with a counsellor:

  • A counsellor uses different evidence-based talk-therapy techniques to help you understand and discern the reasons why you think and behave the way you do.

  • A good counsellor will do an in-depth psychological exploration with you to change deeply rooted beliefs and behavioural patterns that have been detrimental to your personal growth and relationships.

  • A counsellor does not steer desired behaviours but rather helps you draw your own conclusions.

  • A counsellor is focused on your past and present and your current state of mental health.

In conclusion, when it comes to choosing between a coach or a counsellor, only you can know for sure, as every person has different goals in mind and what might work for one person may not work for another.  Whether working with a coach or a counsellor, one is not better than the other and there are advantages and benefits to working with either professional. It is up to you to make the most informed decision based on your needs and goals.

We all have things we are working on to better ourselves and the most important thing is that we are growing and developing our unique and beautiful selves! I’ll wrap up with a favourite quote from Rupi Kaur that I hope inspires you to press on so you will flourish in spirit, soul and body:

You do not just wake up and become the butterfly—growth is a process.



If you’d like to start a conversation with a coach, counsellor, or therapist, we’re here to help. Lux Counselling Collective has a team of professionals who will be happy to answer any questions you have, and we are willing to serve you in the area you need. In the end, you’re in the driver’s seat and your growth journey is under your control – you can start, stop, or switch directions any time you see fit.